Comments on: Irish Bacon and Cabbage Easy Gourmet Recipes and Spicy Conversation. Get a fresh take on comfort food, healthy meals, approachable ethnic cuisine, and well as family travel destinations. Tue, 04 Mar 2025 00:33:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: KITTY Sat, 13 Apr 2024 13:57:12 +0000

I don’t usually come back to comment on recipes after making them but this was so good I have too.
I had a couple of cabbages to use up and found this recipe.
It’s really delicious and the “broth”? I ate the with a spoon like a soup.
I added a small amount of garlic with the mustard seeds but other than this followed the recipe fully.
This will be added to my regular recipes.

By: Claire Tue, 07 Mar 2023 06:09:46 +0000 Came upon this recipe looking for an Irish boiling bacon recipe– yours isn’t Irish at all, but it does look super delicious, and I’m definitely going to make it this week! (“Boiling bacon” is nothing like American bacon- it’s from the pork collar, not pork belly, and the texture/taste is much more similar to ham, which means boiling it isn’t a disgusting idea lol. Also, in Ireland, they wouldn’t cook this kind of cabbage, just use it for making slaw. We don’t really have Irish cooking cabbages here but the closest thing I’ve found is a Savoy cabbage- much looser, softer, different flavor.) 

By: SeAira Wed, 01 Mar 2023 03:56:33 +0000

Definitely needed more seasoning than just salt, pepper, and 1 tablespoon of mustard seeds. But the consistency was awesome! Very low maintenence recipe that can easily be made every month (with way more seasoning). I added garlic powder, onion powder, & Cajun seasoning.

By: Malcolm Mon, 09 Jan 2023 12:50:04 +0000

Quick, simple and delicious!

By: Taylor Eklund Wed, 28 Dec 2022 19:04:38 +0000 In reply to Bob.

This is so crazy to me I’ve never liked my parents corned beef and cabbage or hash or whatever it is so I never really ate it growing up but I recently attempted to make my own version of it to see how it turned out. 2 years later, today, I did a quick Google search as I was putting all my ingredients in my pot, just wondering if anybody else liked or used the same type of recipe or way of cooking it as I do because nobody else seems to have had it done my way that I’ve talked to about it. And this is exactly like my recipe and cooking method to a T. and I never looked it up the first time cooking it this way… and I’m Irish more than anything else in my DNA

By: Marybeth Fri, 25 Nov 2022 19:16:52 +0000

I made this for my son’s Irish fiance who was visiting recently. She had told me previously that Bacon and Cabbage was her favorite meal. I showed her this recipe, and she said it was legit, even using “streaky bacon” as she called the bacon we find in our grocery stores. This meal was a HUGE HIT! Everyone loved it! I will be making this again and again.

By: Sommer Collier Wed, 14 Sep 2022 17:10:28 +0000 In reply to Lis.

Hi Lis,

Hmmm, I wonder if they are using savoy cabbage, it tends to be darker in color. Can anyone else weigh in on this?

By: Lis Mon, 12 Sep 2022 19:00:31 +0000 in Ireland seemed different than the green/white cabbage in the states.  (I did not have this recipe, just boiled cabbage as a side veg) I really loved the flavor, and wondered if that variety was ever sold here. It had some dark green to it. ]]> I just returned home from Ireland and haven’t been able to find the answer to this question: the green cabbage 🥬 in Ireland seemed different than the green/white cabbage in the states.  (I did not have this recipe, just boiled cabbage as a side veg) I really loved the flavor, and wondered if that variety was ever sold here. It had some dark green to it. 

By: Foo(d)Fighter Tue, 14 Jun 2022 22:03:35 +0000 😄 2) use the bacon grease(as the OP suggested) and just about a cup+/- of broth as you will get additional juices from the cabbage as it cooks down but you can always add more to your liking. 3) it's probably going to take 30-45+/- minutes in reality 4) it's gonna need quite a bit of salt 5) it's gonna be goooooo---ooood]]> Delicious recipe, thanks so much Sommer! Couple suggestions for the noobs. 1) once you have fried up the bacon and onions then remove to a mixing bowl etc then place the broth, mustard seed and cabbage into the pot and placed bacon mixture on top as it’s quite difficult to bring all that bacon/onion up without losing cabbage to the dog 🙄😄
2) use the bacon grease(as the OP suggested) and just about a cup+/- of broth as you will get additional juices from the cabbage as it cooks down but you can always add more to your liking.
3) it’s probably going to take 30-45+/- minutes in reality
4) it’s gonna need quite a bit of salt
5) it’s gonna be goooooo—ooood

By: Eclectic Musician Tue, 22 Mar 2022 16:40:48 +0000 Yes I noted that in the comments way back in July 2020 but nobody seems to have noticed. “Boiling bacon” is a large slab cut from the back or shoulder, and it is much different from the fatty sliced pork belly bacon used in America. Also Irish bacon is more lightly cured and not smoky like American bacon.
